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 مواطن مصري

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


عدد المساهمات : 62
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/06/2009
العمر : 30
الموقع : Zar2a

مواطن مصري Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مواطن مصري   مواطن مصري Emptyالأربعاء يوليو 08, 2009 7:32 am

Interview with an Egyptian
مقابله صحفيه مع مواطن مصري

Egyptian: Hello

Reporter: Do u speak English
Egyptian: Berfect

Reporter: Do u mind if I interview u
Egyptian: No, I don't have a mind

Reporter: What's your name?
Egyptian: Taha

Reporter: How do u find life here in Egypt ?
Taha: Egybt..Very nice cantry...nice wezar..nice food..byramidz

Reporter :
Oh well..beside the weather and the pyramids..what else do u like in ur country?
Taha: Byramids, nice wezar, nice food

Reporter: DO YOU WORK?
Taha: Yas, when I am not buzy..

Reporter: What do u think about the traffic problem in Egypt ?
Taha : Very big broblem..very much cars..u see?..but za guvurment is trying to make it bettar..zey did za circle street and za mehwar street..and zey make all streets one way so if u go..u cant come back!!!

Reporter: What about the economic problems in Egypt ?
Taha: I do not undurztand what u say

I do u deal with money problems in egypt ?
Taha : Egypt very rich cantry...we have alot of cotton..alot of water..and we have byramidz

So do u make a lot of money?
Taha : No no.. it is not legal to make frend I know make money at home..and he go to brizon..if u make money at home.. you will go to brizon

Reporter :
let me rephrase..since Egypt is a rich country.. do u have a lot of money?
Taha: me? ...Not a lot…..but I eat and drink Alhamdulelah?

Reporter: Then where does all the money go?
Taha: Guvurment

Reporter: And what does the government do with the money?
Taha : Zey Build circle street, mehwar street and make all streets one way

well , Ok...Do u vote?
Taha: What duz zat mean?

Reporter: Do u choose your president
Taha: Who, Mubarak?

Reporter: yes
Taha (nervously) : I didn't give my voice..But if I was. I will give him my voice

Reporter: Why him?
Taha : Because he was an airoplane in za war..he waz za leadar airoplane

Reporter: But there r no wars right now
Taha : But if we have war..u see?....we know we will have a very good airoplane in it

Reporter: what about the last 26 years?
Taha: I got marry..and have Ahmed and Amira..and……….
Reporter: No, I meant Mubarak.
Taha: He also marry… and have…

Reporter (interrupting) : No, I meant what did Mubarak do for Egypt in the last 26 years
Taha: He build circle street, mehwar street and make all streets one way

Reporter: Thank you very much for ur time Mr.. Taha
Taha: No broblem, only 10 bounds

Reporter: I never said i will pay u for this
Taha : ok ok…. Zanks a lot.
farao farao
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Noxchi Soul Hadeel

Noxchi Soul Hadeel

عدد المساهمات : 228
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/06/2009
العمر : 29
الموقع : t4reebn el suxneh xD

مواطن مصري Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مواطن مصري   مواطن مصري Emptyالجمعة يوليو 10, 2009 3:57 am

thnx zazig Very Happy
keep it up
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مواطن مصري
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